Saturday, February 14, 2009

Toward the Sky

Toward the Sky
Originally uploaded by flickriffic
I love this picture. I loved this day. It was a perfect day (high 60's, low 70's) in Savannah, GA, immediately outside the front door of my parent's home. Just perfect. It makes you want to grab your favorite lay-in-the-park blanket, grab the book you're in the middle of reading, grab your iPod (or not, if you prefer to hear the wind rustling the trees and the trees shifting their limbs weight in response), and curl up or sprawl out on your blanket outside on the cool, green grass -- Doesn't it?

Yeah, and did I mention that this was a mid-January day? Uh huh. (You Northerners and Mid-westerners are a bit jealous right now. But, don't fret. You have the gloriously, beautiful natural occurrence of snow.)

It's amazing beauty, for sure. Enjoy this tiny and insufficient captured moment in time.


Amy Franck said...

Hi Friend! Love the pic, and yes, your photo makes me incredibly jealous :)

As for linking a video - it can be tricky until someone shows you. My friend had to teach me, too...

1. Find the video on YouTube. You'll notice two options to the right of the video: "URL" or "embed".
2. Copy the "embed" information.
3. When you're writing your post, click the "HTML" tab just above the area where you type
4. Paste the "embed" material there. Then, when you click back over the orginial tab, you'll see that the video is embedded to the post.

Good luck!!!

Juliet A. Pearl said...

Amy-Belle! Thanks. Huge help. I thought I tried that, but clearly I didn' least not really.

I'll give it a shot next time, and now that I have the "Amy luck" with me, no doubt it'll work.

I got your kind Valentine's note *smile* and read you FB message. I promise -- goodness gracious -- that I'm going to call you!! =)

I've got Delta Skymiles on my skymiles account that I can use ... you know, for traveling to see you (and Matt and Hula). But, I'm sure my parents would love to see/host you here (I know that I would). We should chat very soon and figure out this visiting eachother business.

I'm thinking if I'm up there, we can tackle your wedding photos together...Perhaps it's easier with a friend, a bottle of wine, some snacks, reflecting on silly childhood moments...You know. A friend helps, yeah, I'm thinking. I've got a few ideas, to answer your question on what in the heck to do with those things. Many options! =) You'll figure it out.

Chat with you soon. Love you always - J.