Friday, May 20, 2011

Do the Right Thing

1. Do the right thing.

It's not hard.

Care. Care about yourself, what you're doing, and most of all about others. This is true whether or not you're at work.

Respect. (All the time.)

Don't make me, your loyal customer, do hard work to accept or use your service or product.

Certainly don't make me feel in the wrong when I ask a legitimate question, or if I kindly point out to you that there is a significant communication break-down within your business and it's effecting the well-being of your business.

Several of my most recent irksome experiences over the past week or more, sad to say, are with the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Savannah. No matter with whom I have had an interaction, with the exception of one employee (out of 10+), I have been disappointed at best.

2. Fix it.

Be open to improving, whether it's individual improvement or overall business improvement, be open to suggestions and change/growth.

Care enough to fix it.

If it's broken, fix it. Immediately, or as soon as possible.

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