Mid-Afternoon, Early Evening, Late Night | Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Since most of us are bundled up in our warmest clothes, doing our best to keep shielded from the ice-forming temperatures and bone-chilling wind, grab your go-to coffee mug and fill it with your choice of hot yumminess, then play this relaxing tune. (Sorry, but Grooveshark is being uncooperative, so no imbedded widget, just a hyperlink this time.)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Recently, Kevin Lawver, a dear friend and awesome co-worker introduced me to Mumford and Sons (a Brit band w/ a soulfully gritty, upfront, and emotion-enthralling sound). I'm in love with this band. Okay, so I'm only a few years behind those who were 'in the know' before "Mumsons" hit Glastonbury and started touring in India and Australia. I'm comfortable in my tardiness on this one. It doesn't matter that I was late (ok, my pride is slightly bruised, but I've never been regarded as one to be on the 'up and up' of music trends, no matter how much I want to be). I'm here now, and I can't let go. I dare you to try.
Early Morning, Evening | Tuesday, November 2, 2010
It's overcast and starting to get consistently cool now (thank you!). For me, this song fits the weather, although I can imagine that others may/will argue it's perfect for the winter-to-spring transition. Regardless, this song envelopes me in its beauty. Plus, today is my dad's birthday, and he likes Beethoven. Add to these factors that this song is one of my all-time favorites, it is therefore this Tuesday's SOTD.
Anytime | Monday, October 25, 2010
Allow me to entreat you to what begins an intense, inspiring, soul-moving experience. The Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus performed "The Dream of Gerontius" this past Friday, October 22. Although I am fully partial to our philharmonic as a singing member, the performance was absolutely incredible and evidently engrossed the audience up until the very moment that Peter - Philharmonic Conductor & Artistic Director - relaxed his body into the sounds of a standing ovation.
*If you desire to learn more about "The Dream of Gerontius," I suggest this read.
[*head shake* Gee, thanks, Savannah Morning News for not writing a review on a world masterpiece that Peter Shannon brought to Savannah! Ridiculous.]
Anytime | Wednesday, October 7, 2010
It's the middle of the week! This song is not only performed live on a street (who knows where) but is exuberant, fun, and its energy is addictive. Have a listen.
Anytime | Monday, October 4, 2010
Again, this group is at Kevin's suggestion, and they're great. Pearl & The Beard. I chose these songs because I needed a pick-me-up today (more than most other Mondays), and who doesn't need a pleasant one of those now and again?
Morning, Anytime | Saturday, October 2, 2010
...because Kevin recommends it, and it's good. Step out of bed, adjust your PJs, make some coffee or tea, and then cozy up to your fave "I'm taking a moment for myself on this relaxing Saturday" spot. Listen.
Afternoon, Evening | Friday, October 1, 2010
Get into it
Morning, Afternoon | Friday, September 10, 2010
Get into it
Morning, Afternoon | Friday, September 10, 2010
Need to focus on a project? Need a little pick-me-up? This is perfect.
[If you like soundtracks or music containing no lyrics, and percussion, this is for you. I should also mention that if you haven't seen the film "Atonement," you really need to.]
Morning | Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Get up, move around, get it out! It's the middle of the week.
Morning | Saturday, September 4, 2010
To get you going...get you up and moving around for those Saturday chores
Evening | Friday, September 3, 2010
Either one to enjoy with that relaxing glass of wine while watching the sun set