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Seeking self-improvement guidance?
Think you've got 'it' all figured out and don't need a new perspective or new insight? (no offense, but you're wrong)
Simply want to learn something new but aren't sure what it is?
Stop here. I mean, I've got it. At least today's dose. Well, two "its" actually. I offer them to you in chronological, reverse-difficulty order.
1. Brain Gasp: Several days ago, someone asked me what remains to be one of the best (clever, insightful, stump-worthy in a super healthy way) and one of my fave questions that I've ever been asked. Yep. It's a show-stopper. Brace yourself for the duplicitous simplistic yet complex-in-nature question.
What mis-perceptions do you believe others often have of you?
(yeah, it's a goodie, huh?)
Now, take your time. There's no hurry in answering it. (It took the question and many thoughts rolling around in the middle to the back of my mind over the course of 3 days to come up with one measly yet honest answer. May not be proud of this fact, but I can drop pride for this one. I'm willing to at least.) You're not in a race, and no one else is judging you. Introspection 101, people. It's good for you.
2. Oh! Oh! I want it: I found this one about 30 minutes ago. If you need some help with time and to-do task/project management like I do, you will find this other blog post helpful. It's changing the way that I do things. Be sure to check out both Parts I and II (link for Part II at bottom of page) for all of the writer's insights.
It's worth the few minutes of reading. Trust me. I can't promise it will change your life for forever (awfully grant, don't ya think?), but I assure you it will improve your ability to get through your day, whatever it entails. (Important Note: This doesn't work through osmosis or telepathy. Action and implementation are key.) This can only make you happier and more productive, right?