Thursday, August 13, 2009

Inspiration: The John Hughes Method

I got to work early (7:20am) this morning, not feeling so good at all (regular but more agitated sinus stuff and puffy, leaky eyes - ugh, gross! and the often tired feeling - you know).

I restarted my computer (again), signed into my email (crappy, MS Outlook as my client) and then hunted down Guster on the Internet to get me through the day.

A co-worker, Whitney, told me about John Hughes passing a couple of days ago (or was that yesterday? the days are running together...I don't know). Yeah, I'm not that aware of the world around me at present. I didn't even know that John Hughes passed away. (HELLO! Major film maker of our time!) So, I couldn't resist the temptation to read what Guster had posted about John Hughes (referral to a blog) on their Twitter account; and, I find that I have to do the same because it's pretty great.

Never forget that you can inspire one person [it makes a big difference] and it only take one person to inspire you [it makes a big difference].

To my family and friends (who are often family to me), thank you for always inspiring me.

Love Always,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Well, I've got a lot to do and not an ounce of interest or motivation to do these tasks. Heh.

So, I turned the television on (yeah, major vice) and came across a movie that I haven't seeen in the longest time and really like: Instinct. (

I suggest that you watch it. :)

Many Thanks

I have the best friends. I'm so lucky.

In particular as of late, three of my friends helped to move my life out of my parent's place into my new place (which I'm still moving into and am not living in yet - that's another story). The Saturday that we moved my furniture, boxes and disorganized mess was a sweltering, humid and hot August morning and afternoon, luckily before the inevitable summer mid-afternoon shower came. Many thanks to Stephan, Renee and Alexis for their help in my move.

I honestly do not know what I would have done without you guys.